To All Members
Brother & Sisters,
If you need to contact our BA/VP, here is his Information:
John Romstedt
Email - businessagent@iatse923.org
NOTE: Bothers and Sisters, Don't forget to always check the Union Announcements Tab for New General Messages dealing with Union Information.
NOTE: The Union will No longer send any Union information to Disney E-Mail addresses.
Please make sure that your Personnel E-Mail information is current and up to date with the Union Secretary (Email addr. secretarylocal923@gmail.com).
Peter Norris 40th Anniversary Celebration Over 300 Years of Sound experience in one place.
Thunder Mountain crew with Engineers in EER 1990's
Retirement party for Don Bielfuss DLR Sound tech group
Relamping Animation Courtyard
Soar'n Over California screen cleaning
Preping speakers for the new Cars Land
Animation Christie Projector Training class
DCA from Top of Tower of terror
The new Animation Courtyard
The Muppets team, Scott and George
PANI Proj. That were replaced by Christie projectors
Relamping Drawn to Animation
Definition of "Labor Union"
Definition of 'Labor Union'
According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, the definition of a ‘Labor Union’ is; An organization intended to represent the collective interests of workers in negotiations with employers over wages, hours and working conditions.
Know Your Rights!!!
As a member of any union, you have the right to exercise your Weingarten rights shown below. It is not up to management to inform you of your Weingarten Rights. It is your responsibility to know and exercise your Weingarten rights. I.A.T.S.E. Local 923 strongly suggests that you learn and understand your Weingarten Rights before you need them; exercising these rights could save your job. You should always know who your shop steward is. If your shop steward is not available, you may request any shop steward or union official from any craft. If the situation escalates to a grievance, your Shop Steward must present the matter to your I.A.T.S.E. Local 923 Business Agent who will handle the situation. Your Shop Steward must present the matter to the Business Agent for you. Please refer to the union contract or the instructions on how to file a grievance for the proper steps for this procedure.